Multiple places Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 9 Reviews

4 Straight Days Of Fishing

Starting on Thursday morning I was off work for 4 days in a row with no obligations other than an afternoon dentist appt on Thursday. I decided to head an hour or so west on Thursday and hit up Pond D. I was surprised at the grass beds that I saw. But this pond has a good variety of wood cover, overhanging brush and random rocks. I pretty much ignored the mats (probably my weakest skill punching mats). I started throwing the frog under trees and hooked up immediately. I would only need that bait for the day. I threw jigs, craws and cranks but other than the frog I had just one hit on the jig. Tiger Muskie. That's my new thing. If I get bit off, it must have been a tiger muskie. I ended the day with a dozen or so bass, none of which is brag about except maybe one that I got tea bagging the frog over a branch. That was awesome. I also got one pickerel that of course was the biggest blowup of the day. The dentist went well.
Day 2 was Friday. Sam and I met at 4:45 am and headed north to lake W. We started off in a largemouth cove and spent an hour finding out they hadn't moved up yet. Sam got one right at the beginning part of the cove. Water temp was around 60 there. We moved to a spot where we thought the smallies would be bedding. BINGO! I know some people are against bed fishing but I'm not. We bagged a ton of fish. Had double hookups three times and basically went non stop until a storm rolled in. One minute no wind and calm water. The next was gale force winds and white caps. Time to bail. I didn't feel too cheated as we had a good day and a long ride ahead anyway.
Day 3 was Saturday. Darren and I were heading to the Cape. Turns out I made two pretty bad decisions. The first one was going to the Cape in the first place. The wind was horrible. The second one was going to a pond I'd never went to. Ashumet. PAVE IT. We lost 3 smallies and I caught a rainbow walking the dog. We pulled out (lol) at 11:30 or so and headed up to one of my local spots. It didn't matter. We couldn't buy a bite. If not for that trout I would have had 0 fish. I felt bad for Darren as he hasn't been able to get out much and can't seem to get one of those days everything's biting. Soon I hope.
Day 4 it's Sam and I again meeting around 5am on Sunday. We went to pond c. We were met with blue bird skies. We were expecting them tight to cover and shallow. The place is shallow all the way through anyway. We grabbed our first 5 fish on frogs with Sam getting a 3 pounder. That was the fun part. The rest of the day was a grind. We ended up with 25-30 fish and it didn't feel like a good day. My best fish was a 3 pounder on a jig that probably kept me sane because I had some long stretches without a bite.
This might be the first time I've fished this much over 4 consecutive days. It was exhausting in an awesome way.

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... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA
... shawneramone posted in MA

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  • Sam was gonna brawl

  • we'll call you next time smoke. the place we went to isn't really worth it though. too many idiots.

  • We definitely shoulda met you guys. Biggest regret of the day. By the time we made a move it was so windy we just wanted to get outta the Cape

  • You shoulda met up with me and kev changing plans got ya haha .Still good fishing and i agree ashumet sucks lol

  • You shoulda met up with me and kev changing plans got ya haha .Still good fishing and i agree ashumet sucks lol

  • No wonder your hat keeps ending up in the water. Your head got too big

  • Looks like MAFF is messed up. Those pics were straight when I added them. Good thing I copied my work because at the last page of making a trip it just decided to have an error. Hope you enjoy the read.

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