Sorry TBob, but your "SKILZ" just don't match up to fork over my hard earned cash. Especially if Lung won't even bet sight unseen. But if there is a longshot bet that TBob loses another rig, then I might be interested in that.
yup mac....join the club...throw it in my face again...thanks much!
Just way too much positive support from the "crowd/peanut gallery"
here on CTFF.....think I will just join everybody else and not bother posting anythng here!..will just use this place for communicating with real fisherman via PMs......... or might even start my own site!!!
Sheeeesh a little sensitive aren't we?? just becuz the more experienced anglers are aware I would likely CRUSH you in a 1 on 1 togathon no reason to get your panties in a knot
no,not at all,just messin with this lamo "crowd"....none of these guys could hold a candle to your experience anyways..........................or mine.
I cant tell by the lack of reports if we have any "more experienced" anglers here anyways.
Glad you are just "messin" around, that's quite a compliment you tossed out, it's appreciated of course but I highly doubt how true it is regarding both you and I ha ha haaaaa.
Of course experience comes with age and doing, once again you have classified me as the old man
Lets just all enjoy the great fall fishing and post up even the quick trip reports. It's amazing how much can be learned by reading other peoples reports.
When I was in the Navy, if you were not being harassed, teased, poked, and/or prodded it MAY be 'cause no-one likes you. Insultation (made that up) not imitation, is the sincerest form of flattery
Sorry TBob, but your "SKILZ" just don't match up to fork over my hard earned cash. Especially if Lung won't even bet sight unseen. But if there is a longshot bet that TBob loses another rig, then I might be interested in that.
In my own defense, the “poked and prodded” comment was not intended to be taken literally however, it does make an interesting item of conversation, butt if you can’t laugh at yourself …….
When I was in the Navy, if you were not being poked,