Don't know if you are doing much wrong. A lot depends on when and where you are fishing. Soaking worms, eels or chunking usually works best, but is not limited to, the evenings or night. As of Saturday the fish were still pretty dispersed in the lower CT River, though 'Lung and 'Slinger seem to be dialed in further north. Below the Derby dam on the Housy has been producing some really nice fish at night. You should also keep some 7" pearl sluggos (CT River), some plastic swimbaits and a few surface plugs handy if a decent school moves in. If I'm shorebound and not hiking far I like to have a rod to soak and a casting setup. Check out reports from places like Ct-outfitters, Fishing Factory 3, and River Run, as well as places like CTFishfinders. I also love On The Water magazine and their website. Over the years I gained tons of useful knowledge as well as fished many of the places featured. There is SO much more info, and I'm sure lots of guys will ad more. However, once you hook into that first big fish, addiction can be instantaneous. I'm fortunate to have an understanding wife.
Posted Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:26 pm