My last trip to Waterford although was productive, was also careless.
I didn't do the research on the winds and this made for a huge learning experience.
I wanted to take my kids this weekend, but with the weather the way it was, that was obviously out of the question.
Today was my best shot of the week. I was watching the weather every eight hours....When I arrived on the water this morning at 7am, it was like a pond...It was wonderful to head out wondering what this day had in store for me...I left from dock road and headed past Millstone all the way to the point..maybe a half mile East...for a change the drift was pushing me back to where I came from instead of out to sea...that's never happened...and I found myself in shallow waters soon...This is a concern of course because I'm using battery power..two large ones..The first is for the trip and the second is for emergency since the motor that came with the boat was defective in it ability to monitor battery strength.
I was beginning to discover, It was great not having to deal with above water roller coasters and fishing at the same time..and snagged a couple nice ones...and just like that, the current on the bottom was way too much for my gear and I needed to head toward the bay...this seems to always happen.
This was planned as my last trip, so I hoped it would turn out well of course...I got into the porgs for a good two hours, and then just like that, no matter where I went, they were gone....I caught a sea robin I thought might have been a giant Porg..record.....and I unexpectedly snagged a couple young fluke...just too small...I was bummed because one of those pancakes gave a terrific fight...
Once 12:30 /1

M hit, I couldn't get anything to bite..anywhere...amazing how the sea works....there were a ton of party boats out there...Ive never seen their presence there, but it was obvious they were getting the skunk.....I'm sorry they didn't get in a good day, but these party boats are going to do the same they did to the fluke...and I cant help but dislike them....Their limits are outrageous and the sizes are very small.