Place: Rogers Lake State Launch
Check in time: 6:15-6:45
Fishing Time: 7:00 2:00 PM
Cost: $5.00 entry fee
Optional Lunker Bass Pool: $10.00
Trophies for 1-3rd place
Format: is catch, photograph and release. Winner is total length of your best six fish (bass only). Equipment needed is a camera and a measuring device. Let me know if your in or have any questions. Will have some type of food afterwards
Hey Sub Chase that's great I will count you in. This will be the second one I ran and the third one I participated in. They are relaxed and fun. Every one I have been in people were more the willing to share what was working on the water and even give up lures and tackle to help. Most of the people fishing are from CT Fish Talk. Also if you are on Facebook I have a page called CT Kayak Fishing Club. The only things you need is a camera and a measuring device that has a vertical edge stop. If you have any question please feel free to ask.
Hey Sub Chase that's great I will count you in. This will be the second one I ran and the third one I participated in. They are relaxed and fun. Every one I have been in people were more the willing to share what was working on the water and even give up lures and tackle to help. Most of the people fishing are from CT Fish Talk. Also if you are on Facebook I have a page called CT Kayak Fishing Club. The only things you need is a camera and a measuring device that has a vertical edge stop. If you have any question please feel free to ask.
Okay so trophies were ordered over the phone this time and I said Bass three times. I know he heard me because he said it was .55 cents more each for the bass trophies. Looks like we will do the solo format again. Slight change on time fishing we bill until one and best five fish.
So far confirmed:
Doug G.
Alan (me)
Joe Butova
Rob P.
Bill G.
Sub Chaser
Still have a few undecided people anyone else want in let me know. Thanks
Been so busy this summer I haven't been able to get out at all. Time to see if my yak can still support my fat ass. Might have to carry less gear. Count me in. Let me know if I can bring something to the event.