I give in. Why am I snapping off lures when I cast? Lost 3 tonight! Is it the knot?New line. I did manage to get 2 nice Bass before I lost the last one.
Usually when i break off during a cast it is from some small oversight like my line being wrapped up somehow before i cast, or if my knot does eventually slip. What kind of line do you use?
i personally have never had any luck using mono line. I only recently started to get serious about fishing(since last summer) but through my experimenting with different types of line my best results came from fire line crystal and trilene fluorocarbon. I use six pound test for both when bass fishing and light ugly sticks. This setup so far seems pretty much ideal for what i like to do and the lines perfom very well as long as i spool them correctly. I use a palomar knot with the fireline and a trilene knot with the fluorocarbon.