Water rules would balance human, ecological needs
By Charles Walsh

Anglers tend to view Connecticut's rivers and streams as great places to spend time in pursuit of fish.

Others, however, view them as resources for less benign pursuits such as groundwater and surface water withdrawals and places to put dams and other impoundments. Cities and town sometimes divert rivers to construct bridges and other projects.

With this in mind, the state Department of Environmental Protection proposed regulations that will establish guidelines for activities which seek to alter the flow of Connecticut's rivers and streams in any way.

The DEP says the proposed regulations will improve the protection of Connecticut's rivers and streams by striking the right balance between human and ecological needs.

"These new regulations will help make certain we meet human needs for water in a manner that also protects aquatic life, wildlife and natural resources," DEP Commissioner Amey Marrella said.

Connecticut has more than 6,000 miles of rivers and streams that provide the water required for everything from drinking to manufacturing to irrigation. In addition, these waterways are natural resources whose vitality depends upon adequate flow. A vigorous rate of water flow supports aquatic life, natural vegetation and recreational uses.

The proposed regulations would establish four categories, or classes, of rivers and streams:

n Class 1 waters would be considered "natural," characterized as a resource having little
current development in the watershed and having not been affected by the removal of water for human uses.

n Class 2 waters would be considered "near natural," sharing many characteristics with Class 1 systems. The flow standards for this class, however, would allow for some levels of human alteration.

n Class 3 waters would be defined as "working rivers," where human uses may have a significant influence on steam flow patterns. These rivers and streams are expected to have adequate water resources available to support viable aquatic communities. Some changes in use may be necessary to restore flow patterns needed to ensure these conditions.

n Class 4 waters would be characterized as systems where past practices have resulted in a significant deviation from the natural stream flow pattern and restoring these rivers and streams to a more natural condition would cause an extreme economic hardship.

The Legislature's Regulations Review Committee must approve proposed regulations before they take effect. The proposed regulations are available for public review on the agency's Web site at www.ct.gov.dep/publicnotices (select "Proposed Actions or Decisions").

The public comment period on the proposed regulations runs through Feb. 40. Written comments may be submitted to Paul E. Stacey, DEP, Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse, 79 Elm St., Hartford CT 06106. A formal public hearing on the proposed regulations is scheduled for Jan. 21 in the Phoenix Auditorium, Fifth Floor, DEP Headquarters, 79 Elm St., Hartford.

Posted Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:31 am

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