Just bought a 25’ boat and have her docked at Pier 76 in Westbrook. We have been having some difficulty locating good day time reefs/rips for striper fishing. We have all the tackle needed and have been trolling umbrella rigs, drifting bunker chunks, and last weekend we bought and were jigging parachutes with pork rind on wire. We have caught only 3 bass on 8 trips, one on long sand shoal, one on Cornfield reef and the last the only keeper a 37” at Hens and Chickens. Can someone help me locate some other spots off Westbrook, Clinton and Old Saybrook? I know night time fishing with live ells would be the best but again not sure where to go on the few nights the kids and I can get out. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Posted Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:44 am