Has anyone heard any figures regarding how many vouchers have been given out so far? Has there been a good run of young stripers (say, 15-25") this year? I haven't been striper hunting since March; what I see and hear is thanks to you guys.

Posted Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:43 am

Connecticut Outfitters in Wethersfield, Connecticut still has a good quantity of them. They allow you to take an extra fish from 22 inches to 27 inches along with the 2 fish above 28 inches. I don`t think the DEP release any data on how many have been used. They will probably release something after June 30.

Posted Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:55 pm


Posted Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:00 pm

From last night’s Fisheries Advisory Council (FAC) meeting at DEP Marine headquarters in Old Lyme

Striper Voucher Program
3,500 out of 4,400 vouchers are out to the public. 61 have been returned so far. Fishing conditions on the CT River are most likely to blame or the low usage so far. The program runs through June 30 on the CT River. The program will most likely be run again next year, with potential for implementation on other rivers.

Our group this spring accounted for AT LEAST 35% of those.

Posted Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:22 pm

Wow! That's it? Maybe the DEEP will have better luck with it next year. I wonder why they just don't extend the program until all vouchers are turned in.

Are these FAC meetings held regularly, or are they held only when necessity demands one?

Posted Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:32 am

My guess is that there were plenty of schoolies kept and the vouchers never mailed. Probably no where near the amount that were handed out though.

Posted Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:42 pm

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