Ok, I know that there can't be too many people reading this who actually even care about lakewood lake, and the only reason I do is because its one of the places on a rapidly shrinking list that I can actually afford to drive to. But I can't understand why the DEP would bother stocking a lake with catfish that u aren't allowed to fish after dark. There's no parking along both roads that border it and the acual parking lot for lakewood park closes at sunset. Now, I'm not saying u can't catch cats during the day but come on. Everyone knows there's a certain time each day when we are located in the shadow of a certain star when catfish seem to be a little more active. I'm kinda just blowing off steam because its frustrating that a police officer isn't allowed to just use his own judgement and just let a guy, who is obviously not disturbimg anyone(except a few cats), fish alongside the road after dark. I wasn't hiding or waiting for someone to walk by to rob,or selling drugs. I was right there in the open with two fishing rods and some bait. And what can I say back to this cop? Nothing I guess. Is it really a crime to be outside after dark in waterbury? He couldve at least got out of his car before he made me leave, to see if I was selling drugs or something. The worst part is that I dedicated a few hours to that spot and nobody else cared, I really doubt anyone called that cop and complained about me fishing quietly by myself, and he rolled up with his lights on like a hero just as it was getting dark to make sure I didn't do anymore trespassing on his watch. I guess I was just asking for it.

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:25 pm

That does suck, but at least he didn't ticket you and take your license and gear!

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:35 pm

OLUN, You are totally right to be angry, like they have nothing better to do. Seems you were the safest criminal to confront.
He can't confiscate your gear, he could of tossed you a ticket, that you could have fought and I would have.
We need more regulations for stupid reasons for stupid people.

We might get lucky and this federal budget may cause the Govt to shut down...too funny like I could care less if they shut down, hopefully the IRS will be the first to walk off the job Very Happy

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:01 pm

Yeah....... At least there's that. I'm not sure if he had the right to take my gear though. He couldv'e gave me a parking ticket I guess although there weren't ?technickly? any no parking signs right where I was. And I was completely off the road.and I'm gonna check the anglers guide after I write this but it probably won't mention anything about not being allowed to fish there from either of the two roads that border it after dark. I just don't think its fair that I need a lawyer to go out fishing at a lake that is stocked with fish.

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:07 pm

And while I'm still fired up about this, what s really frustrating is why put those catfish in THERE? I know there's other COMMUNITIES that might actually appreciate that kind of oppourtunity. Not only that but places that would have acually made sense. Maybe places with parking where u can still see ur car or places that don't ?CLOSE? at sunset. Thanks DEP, can I have my rebate taken off this years liscence instead of driving to hartford or mailing in some dumbass form? No? Oh well....

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:30 pm

To the best of my understanding, places that close at sunset that have water access for fishing does not apply, if you are actually fishing that it's not a problem.

Is this lake or pond listed for public fishing in the anglers guide? does it mention hours?

Remember this is only what I recall hearing regarding the regulation.

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:37 pm

It is in the anglers guide and there are no time limits. Lakewood Lake. I went to hammonasset beach one time and they have no problem giving u a permit to basically fish all night for free. I wish that was the system for every town. Just go to town hall, get ur pass. But I ve had this problem before and I don't think that there is any kind of option like this at most places. I got the boot from kettletown state park last fall cuz I was trying to catch catfish and the guy came to lock the gate and kick me out. I asked him how to get permission to fish at night and he had no idea.

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:27 pm

It is listed in the Anglers Guide as one of the sites for the "Urban Fishing" or "Community Fishing" Program as it's now known, but the guide says little more. It shows up on our map as Great Brook Reservoir. HookandBullet.com lists it as "Access: Public" but that's just "he-said-she-said". Most places that I've seen that are closed at night say "except for fishing" but local laws probably take precedence. Still digin' on my end. Tomorrow I'm calling these guys to see what I can find out.
http://www.waterburyct.org/content/458/616/626/default.aspx Maybe will get a place to start asking real questions.

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:29 pm

I would want to know what it is technically classified as; is it a lake or a reservoir? Depending on which it is, there is likely a whole new set of rules that can be enforced ranging from fishing access to building zoning. I have never been to this waterbody, but it seems, based on these comments, to be a poor choice for urban stocking. In reality, the DEP probably mandated a location in the Waterbury vacinity and Lakewood was the "best of the worst."

Posted Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:29 am

I don't think its a resevoir. Its like a park with a playground and basketball courts and there's a beach with lifegaurd chairs. But ur right, it was probably picked for stocking because it looked good in the anglers guide. To me it seems like an irresponsible descion though.

Posted Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:41 am

Bureaucratic run-around so far. “Parks and Rec” says they are responsible for the park, but not the lake (which is outside the park) or fishing, try the City Clerk. City Clerk says that would be the Town Clerk, two different groups. Town Clerk gave me the shoulder shrug, and said CT DEP is responsible for fishing regulations, etc and since the lake is not strictly part of the park, the Police Dept is responsible for the neighbor hood safety, etc, but as far as they know there are now special restrictions. I will call the Chief o‘Police’s office tomorrow, since I didn’t get through to them today until after close of business.

Similar situation in Norwich with Spalding Pond in Mohegan Park, except that there, the pond is completely within the park which is closed at dusk, and there is no special allowance for fishing.


.... Still digin' on my end. Tomorrow I'm calling these guys to see what I can find out.
http://www.waterburyct.org/content/458/616/626/default.aspx Maybe will get a place to start asking real questions.

Posted Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:04 pm

Still bureaucratic run-around. Spoke to Chief o' Police's office yesterday. The LT says, park is closed at 10 pm, no parking is permitted along the roads in the area, so it is likely that a patrolman would "urge" someone to fish elswhere. I asked, "If someone was able to get to the water to fish would that be prohibited, if there was no parking violation involved? He said, no, but....." It sounds to me like someone in Waterbury needs to light a fire under the local officials on this one. If it's not posted as "NO FISHING" and you aren't parking a vehicle in a "NO PARKING" area, then there should be no issue.


I will call the Chief o‘Police’s office tomorrow, since I didn’t get through to them today until after close of business.


.... Still digin' on my end. Tomorrow I'm calling these guys to see what I can find out.
http://www.waterburyct.org/content/458/616/626/default.aspx Maybe will get a place to start asking real questions.

Posted Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:21 pm

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