Four hundred salmon to be stocked this week
Storm damage prevents stocking the “Campville section” of the Naugatuck River

The Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) today announced the beginning of its annual stockings of surplus broodstock Atlantic salmon. This week DEEP’s Inland Fisheries Division will be stocking approximately 400 salmon. These fish will be released into the Naugatuck River, Mount Tom Pond, the Shetucket River and Crystal Lake (Ellington).
The broodstock Atlantic salmon stocked in Connecticut are raised in state and federal hatcheries to provide eggs for the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program and are the progeny of sea-run fish that returned to the Connecticut River. Beginning in 1992, surplus and spawned fish have been made available to provide a recreational fishery for Connecticut anglers.

Atlantic salmon are renowned for their size, beauty and fighting ability. “The broodstock Atlantic salmon program has become quite popular with anglers,” said Peter Aarrestad, Director of DEP’s Inland Fisheries Division. “Catching an Atlantic salmon is a thrilling experience. Not only do they put up a great fight, often jumping completely out of the water, but they also provide anglers a glimpse into the state’s past when Atlantic salmon were abundant.”

The 400 fish that are being released this October range in weight from 3 to 18 pounds each. Following spawning later this fall, DEEP expects an additional 500 salmon from the Kensington Hatchery will be available for stocking in November.

Crystal Lake was stocked Tuesday (10/1 with 50 salmon. Mount Tom Pond will be stocked with 100 salmon on Thursday (10/20), 100 salmon will be released into the Naugatuck River today (Wednesday 10/20) and the Shetucket River will be stocked with 150 salmon on Friday (10/21).
Atlantic salmon broodstock stocked in the Shetucket and Naugatuck rivers are typically released into three designated Atlantic Salmon Broodstock Areas: 1) between Scotland Dam (Scotland) and Occum Dam (Norwich) on the Shetucket River; 2) the “Campville Section” of the upper Naugatuck River from Route 118 downstream to the Thomaston Flood Control Dam (Litchfield-Thomaston); and 3) the “Beacon Falls Section” of the lower Naugatuck from Prospect Street (Naugatuck) downstream to Pines Bridge Road (Route 42 bridge, Beacon Falls).

This October, the “Campville Section” of the upper Naugatuck River will not be stocked. Most of this river stretch is within the Thomaston Dam Recreation Area that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has closed due to ongoing clean up operations resulting from tropical storms Irene and Lee.
“In light of this closure, we revised our stocking plans for western Connecticut locations. The same number of fish will be stocked, but Mount Tom Pond will receive most of its allotment of this year’s salmon in October and the lower Naugatuck River area will also receive some of the fish originally scheduled for the Campville section,” said Aarrestad. “Should this area be re-opened prior to the November post-spawning stockings, it will be stocked, otherwise, all the Naugatuck River fish will be released into the lower broodstock area.

Anglers are allowed to fish for salmon in the Naugatuck River from the confluence of the East and West Branches (Torrington) downstream to the Housatonic River (Derby). Anglers may also fish for Atlantic salmon in the Housatonic River downstream of Derby Dam. On the Shetucket River, anglers can fish for salmon downstream from the Scotland Dam (Windham) to the Water Street Bridge in Norwich (the first bridge upstream of Norwich Harbor).

In the Naugatuck, Housatonic and Shetucket Rivers, angling for Atlantic salmon is restricted to catch-and-release only through November 30. From December 1, 2011, through March 31, 2012, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon will be one. During the open season in the rivers, the legal method for taking Atlantic salmon is limited to angling using a single fly, or an artificial lure with a single free swinging hook and no additional weight can be added to the line above the fly or lure. October 1st through March 31st, fishing for other species in the designated Atlantic Salmon Broodstock Areas is restricted to the gear legal for Atlantic salmon.

Beginning in 2007, DEEP has stocked selected lakes with broodstock Atlantic salmon. This fall, Mount Tom Pond and Crystal Lake are again being stocked. Anglers may also occasionally catch salmon that have held over from previous stockings of Beach Pond and Mashapaug Lake.
The regulations for broodstock Atlantic salmon released into lakes and ponds are different from the regulations for salmon in the Naugatuck, Housatonic and Shetucket Rivers. In each lake, the regulations for methods, seasons and minimum lengths for salmon are the same as for trout in that specific water body but the daily creel limit is one salmon per day. The specific regulations for salmon fishing in Crystal Lake, Mount Tom Pond, Mashapaug Lake and Beach Pond can be found in the 2011 Connecticut Angler’s Guide and are also provided at the conclusion of this news release.
The regulations for broodstock Atlantic salmon stocked into lakes and ponds will be posted at each water body. Anglers can also contact DEEP’s Inland Fisheries Division (860-424-FISH) for more information.

All other regulations, including those for broodstock salmon in the Naugatuck, Housatonic and Shetucket Rivers, can also be found in the 2011 Connecticut Angler’s Guide. Guides are available from Town Clerks, many bait & tackle stores, or by contacting the DEEP Inland Fisheries Division (860-424-FISH). The Angler’s Guide, Weekly Fishing Reports and news releases can all be found on the DEEP web site at
Regulations for Atlantic salmon fishing in Crystal Lake, Mount Tom Pond, Beach Pond and Mashapaug Lake are as follows:
Crystal Lake
Legal Methods: Angling and Ice Fishing - Fishing with hook and line. May include fishing with bait, flies or lures.
Open Season: Third Saturday in April through last day in March.
Minimum Length: Salmon must be greater than or equal to 16 inches to keep.
Daily creel limit: 1 Atlantic salmon
Mount Tom Pond, Beach Pond*, Mashapaug Lake*
Legal Methods: Angling and Ice Fishing – Fishing with hook and line. May include fishing with bait, flies or lures.
Open Season: Third Saturday in April through last day in February.
Minimum Length: None
Daily creel limit: 1 Atlantic salmon
*Beach Pond and Mashapaug Lake are not being stocked with broodstock salmon this fall. Both lakes have been stocked previously, most recently in April, 2009

Posted Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:00 pm

After catching 4 giant salmon last fall i was real excited when they stocked last friday , fished the shetucket all day sat from 6am to 200pm from the Scotland dam to to Salt Rock and i am starting to think they only stocked in Baltic, last year i caught 4 over 12 pounds near the merrick brook but this year not even a bite , i finally got a 3 pounder on a silver krocodile spoon monday evening a hundred yards below the bridge in baltic and saw one huge one jump but other than that nothing , the only fisherman i saw were at the river park so i makes me think they only stocked there
there is no way that all the fish swam that far upstream last year they must of stocked in various spots last fall
the water is higher than i would like but still very fishable
oh well , will try again this weekend

Posted Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:13 pm

What a relief. I was worried this fishery was going to close after all the cutbacks. I am definately making a few salmon trips again this year and am also trying to get in on some Sea Brown action.

Posted Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:48 am

yes my goal is to catch a naugy salmon before winter

Posted Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:16 pm

spoke too soon about the lack of Salmon
today around 5:00pm in the pouring cold rain my fishing buddy John & i went down to the river park area of Baltic and he casted a green rooster tail and hooked into a 6+ pound Salmon * landed it )
and then another closer to 8lbs and i had one run off almost all my line on my reel for 10 minutes before letting go

Posted Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:11 pm

Good to hear they're hooking up! I also have had luck for them with a green Roostertail before. I better get going on converting my spin-flies and some spoons over to single hooks. I have a drag on a fly reel to repair as well...

Posted Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:22 am

i actually made an ordering mistake for all my trout spinners back in April from Cabelas online so i ended upwith a bunch of oversized rooster tails ( Yellow Coahdog , Brown , Rainbow & Green that i just cut the treble hook down to one when i heard they were stocking
i had all my luck last year on blue & silver spoons though

Posted Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:01 pm

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