Hey fellas. Friend and myself grew up fishing Thames river. We want to try the ct river this weekend. We don't have a boat unfortunately. I was wondering if anybody could let me know about some places to go between middletown and enfield. Any tips is appreciated thanks! Very Happy

Posted Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:00 am

its a little south of middle town but might fit the bill for ya theres a state boat launch at the out flow of the salmon river. areas pretty active, in the past ive seen just about everything come off the beach there that swims the river. Angryjohn and redneckangler fished it last week didnt do so well from the boats but it is comeing off a full moon now and its been real warm last few days so no telling...............

Posted Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:58 pm

we were much further up the salmon river, and i took my largest trout ever, at almost three pounds, so even a slow day has great potential. Brian did much better right off the launch, which is where i wanted to go for pike, its a great area to slip bober fish with shiners.

Posted Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:53 pm

You can fish the Haddam Meadows area for pike, as well as some walk-in access to the mouth of the Matabassett from Middletown (See Google Earth) near the rail bed and Rt. 9. I've got a friend who fishes a couple of spots off River Rd. in Middletown. Also check with CTOutfitters.com. Google Earth is one of my favorite tools.

Posted Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:57 pm

opps didnt see post about the trout you caught....lol im a bass guy suxs it was out of seasoin on the trout though would of been a sweet keeper. Surprized you didnt tag at least 1 pike in the first pond up the salmon out flow I tear them up early in the year most times there. Chokes up pretty bad with weeds when the water warms up there makes it allmost imposable to power in but you paddle boats can run right in....

Posted Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:01 pm

the lower section of the river does not have a closed season below the 151 bridge, so i kept it. Read and follow all the rules but as far as i know i had a justified keeper. The only limit is two over 15" for that lower section of the river, with no closed season.

Posted Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:17 am

thanks redneck. wethersfield cove sounds promising for pike atleast according to outfitters. any input on that?

Posted Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:35 pm

very cool you where able to keep it......like I said I dont fish trout so even if i hook 1 it gos right back I just watch for the open seasion area stuff ... thats why I fish lower end early seasion ... hey john you where lookin to make lures planing any wood body types if so I was in lumber pile after i read the lure post found some nice pieces of poplar great stuff for carveing bodys you need some?
If so let me know ill run it in the saw and cut up some blanks just let me know the sizes

Posted Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:57 pm

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