i got an invitation from capt doug from blue venture fishing.we met at burrs marina at 5 am,it was a perfect morningvery light wind, flat water with an outgoing tide

we headed out to the race,,not many boats there at 6 am,on our first drop we had two hook ups, both acted like big fish,but both broke off,one the line broke the other the hook straighted out.every drift we had something one,had alot of big blues,alot of short stripers,ended up with 3 stripers in the 30 inch range,and a mess of large blues,we fished there for 2 1/2 hrs,
heres capt.doug with a 30 inch striper

from there we headed over to isabella's for some fluke,capt doug was the fluke master,hauling up alot of shorts,ended up with one keeper,from there headed over to R.I.we didnt do well there,alot of shorts and a ton of skates,ended up with one 20 incher from there.then we headed back to fishers didnt do well there for the seconded time,then we called it quits.we were back at the dock by 130.it was a great day had alot of fun.it was 3-4 years since i have been out that far.felt good

Posted Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:35 am

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