Old Lyme – The state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will host a public hearing about proposed changes to regulations pertaining to fisheries and lobster harvest regulations at 7 p.m. Nov. 5 at DEEP Marine Headquarters, 333 Ferry Road.

A second hearing on the proposals will take place at 3 p.m. Nov. 7 at the Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture Science & Technology Center, 60 St. Stevens Road.

Most of the proposed changes will revise regulations to conform with actions DEEP has already taken by commission’s declaration, said David Simpson, director of marine fisheries at DEEP. Other changes are being made to bring state regulations into compliance with mandatory provisions of the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission, he said.

The changes pertain to: commercial fishing gear and lobster traps; when commercial licenses are not required; the legal harvest size for lobster; the harvest of sharks; recreational fishing seasons and minimum sizes for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, winter flounder, weakfish, striped bass, tautog and menhaden. Other proposed changes would affect fishing regulations for coastal sharks, Atlantic herring and spiny dogfish.

Posted Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:45 am

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