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"Get Hooked on Connecticut"


Group Info:

Name:  Jacks-Of-All-Fish


Come all CT fisherman who don't care what kind of fish they catch. We here don't strictly fish for anything! I mainly fish for bass, but whatever happens to bite is fine with me! We will share techniques and experiences and challenge ourselves to catch as many different species of fish as possible.



joe kiley

michael bernard


Jason McWade


Another Angler

Ken Kosike03

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06/15/13 07:29 PM

09/14/12 07:52 PM
I don't know Fishhawk, but I don't care. Today I stopped at Hamburg Cove (Eight Mile River) on my way home from work for a few casts. In five minutes I landed 6 snapper Bluefish, 3 Smallmouth bass, 1 Largemouth bass, 1 Redbreast sunfish, and 1 Yellow perch. All on a spin-fly with a gold spinner and green/orange/yellow fly. The Bluefish really surprised me. It's called "Eight Mile River" because it is 8 miles up the CT River from Long Island Sound.

I get down to New Haven every month and your reports on West River are drawing my attention! You ever get out to Sandy Point in the harbor? I might try to hit both sometime when I can get a full day.

06/19/12 09:47 PM
Is this thing still on??

10/10/11 06:15 AM
I found a TON of medium (6-9") Fallfish at Dickenson Creek over the weekend. No trout.

07/20/11 12:05 PM
I visited Lower Bolton Lake and managed 3 species of sunfish in 3 casts. Pumpkinseed, Bluegill, and Green all hooked up. After filling my pail with several of each (and one LARGE hybrid) my time was running out and the bait was gone. One cast with a roostertail produced a Yellow perch. Small groups of Banded killifish were swimming around the launch area and Largemouth bass could be seen around deeper beds of weeds.

07/19/11 11:53 AM
This is a great group to have. I am currently fishing for some different sunfish. I should be visiting the Bolton Lakes soon to try for some Green sunfish.

05/31/11 09:24 AM
I'm liking Jitterbugs, but haven't fished much bass yet.

07/25/09 11:23 PM
favorite bass lure? my favorite is the rubber worm. Either yum dinger or senko depending on whats available (or on sale).

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Jun 08, 2009

Type: Public
Visibility: CT
# Members: 7
Views: 14461

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