Spot Details

  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: Leiostomus xanthurus
  • Common Names: Norfolk spot, Spot, flat croaker, golden croaker, silver gudgeon, goody, chub, roach, jimmy, spot croaker
  • Water Temp: 35-93 degrees
  • Last Modified By: bassprochuck on 06/03/09 10:29 PM
  • Ask about Spot in our forum


... jimbuoy posted in NJ
... suz posted in NJ
... bassprochuck posted in MS

Baits and Tackle for Spot

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • clam
  • Sand worms

Other Check Prices

  • Fishbites - bloodworm

Spot Description

A popular commercial and recreational fish found primarily in the Chesapeake Bay all the way down to South Carolina. It is a moderately deep-bodied, compressed fish with an elevated back. Body color is typically bluish-gray dorsally, fading to golden yellow or yellow-tan ventrally. A set of 12 -15 dark streaks run obliquely from the dorsal surface down the sides to about mid-body. These tend to fade with age. Fins are typically pale yellow in color. The head is short, with a small, inferior mouth. The maxilla extends to approximately the middle of the eye. The dorsal fin is continuous, with a notch separating the spinous portion from the soft rays. There are 9-11 dorsal spines, and 29-35 soft rays. The anal fin has 2 spines and 12-13 rays. The caudal peduncle is moderately deep, and the caudal fin is notched. A large black spot is set above the upper edge of the gill cover. There are 72-77 lateral line scales (Johnson 1978).

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