
Don Coffin

Granby, Connecticut, USA
Member since July 9th, 2008
47 years old, Machine shop owner, love to fish.

General Info

Family, Bass tournament fishing, Computers
Favorite Fish to Catch
Largemouth bass
Favorite Type of Fishing
spin rod
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Fishing Rods
Fishing Reels
Fishing Techniques
Casting shore lines with Yamamoto Sencos
Favorite Fishing Spot
Black Pond, Ashford CT
Favorite Video
Stratos 282 Running up th CT River
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This is a sad story while trolling on lake McDonough we saw a commotion on the surface of the water and we turned around to find a small mouth bass on it side flopping a round. I scooped it up with my net to find on of the largest small mouth I have ever seen, it had a crappie the size of my hand stuck in its mouth trying to swallow it. We carefully removed the fish and tried to revive the 5 1/2 pound smallie with no luck it died in my live well. We took some pictures and gave the fish to some one that would eat it. I add the photos to this post.

Posted 13 years ago

We got to the ramp about 4:15. The ramp was busy but not insane like last year. It was cold and drisley but not a total wash out. At 6:00 we started our troll did not take long for the first trout a 12 inch rainbow. We caught at least 20 trout between the 3 of us but could only keep 11 do to the slot length. over all a good day we were of the water before 12:00.

Posted 14 years ago

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Tournament started at 8am the weatherman predicted a perfect day. But ask as you know they lie. As soon as we hit the water the wind picked up by the time the first lure hit the water there were white caps. My boater (stratos282) caught the first LMB and a good one at 3 pounds and not much longer a 2.5 LMB then they shut off he caught 1 more keeper and a short. Me I caught 2 LMB for a total of 1 pound 14 oz. and one short. It was cold and very windy all day winning weight was just over 9 pounds stratos282 came in third and got lunker. Not a bad day for such s***ty conditions.

Posted 24 years ago

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8 boats showed up, a pour showing for a club that wants memorialize a member who had passed. We went across from the launch to see if we could put some quick smallies in the boat and added only one. We decided to head north to Matibassett to work all the wood that is in there. We stop at Pratt and Whittney's peer and hooked some monster pike, but only small bass. We made it to Matibassett but it was very muddy. Steve (stratos 282) managed to get three keepers to my one. Fish were caught south of the launch Rich B. and Leeroy C. had over 16 lbs pictured. Congrats to them.

Posted 15 years ago

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We got there about 6:30pm we planned to fish until midnight. It started of slow Geoff got 3 LMB Mike got 5 LMB and me 3 LMB biggest was about 3 lbs all caught before dark. After dark a big Zero we threw everything we had at them and nothing, we quit about 10pm.

Posted 15 years ago

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We started at 3 pm for the afternoon my nephews were up from Kansas City and one from Boulder Colorado. We were all throwing 4 inch green pumpkin Sencos. We caught at least 30 bass in 3 hours, most were small but we managed to get a 2 plus here and there. The key to catching smallies in this place is to find wood in 4 to 5 feet of water on the shady side. LMB were on wood also but shallower.

Posted 15 years ago

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Went after work to do my first paddling of the year. I took 2 spinning rods with me just in case. I caught 8 bass most were small, 1 was 3 lbs.

Posted 15 years ago

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Start time was 5:30am 67 degrees and partly cloudy. Water temp was 74 degrees. When to a spot I found pre-fishing the day before a small hump in the middle lake 8 feet of water Steve (startos282) caught the first fish on a buzz bait about 2.5 pounds, he caught the second fish just 12 inches, 3rd fish I caught on a spinner bait about 3 pounds, 4th fish was on the same spinner bait a keeper but small and the 5th fish was at a different hump further down the lake on a drop shot about 4 pounds. That was all before 10am. We did not catch another keeper bass the rest of the day. Our total was 11.72 pounds enough to take 1st place.

Posted 15 years ago

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Start time was 6am, weather was 60 degrees and foggy with a light drizzle. Water temp was 70 degrees. We start off heading across the lake to some boat docks and looking for any structure or grass on the way, we nothing on the fish finder and just started casting the shore line with no luck. We started casting out into 8-12 feet of water and we picked up 3 keeper fish. The wind blew us down to south end where we found a large weed flat we caught 2 more keepers and lots of pickerel. We had our 5 fish limit by 9am and could not catch another until 10 minutes before the end of the tournament Steve (stratos282) caught a 2.75 large mouth in front of the boat ramp, that fish put us in second place.

Posted 15 years ago

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8 boats showed up at Buel Lake in western MA for a 6am start. Weather was 60 degrees light wind blowing to the north, water temp was 70. degrees. We had our 5 fish limit and cull out 2 by 8:30am from the north end of the lake and then no bass until about 1:00. We caught lots of rock bass and pickerel in between. We were able to cull out 2 more bass out of a little creek and lost a monster came off at the boat. All in all a good day our final weight was 7.11 pounds good for 3 rd place.

Posted 15 years ago

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