A few years back, one of my colleagues invited me to join a group of his friends on their annual Bluefish Bash. A group of guys had formed The Hybrid Anglers and 20-30 members participated in the forum, fished together, etc. As is often the case, life's other issues sidetracked the guy who organized the yearly event, people got married, had kids, got divorced, new jobs, etc., and the event had to be cancelled in 2011. I'd be willing to bring back the BFB this fall if there is interest. We would only need about 20 people and cost, including rod rental and gratuity, would be in the $80 range. The trip would probably run on a weekday afternoon, about 5-11pm. In the past it's been a great way to fish with friends, meet new folks, have a few beers, etc. I've sponsored a "Blue on a Beer Can" competition for the largest bluefish caught using only a beer can, mono leader, hook and lead. I can probably round up several people, but it's just a thought for a fall follow up to the 'Yak Together. LMK what you think

Posted Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:07 pm

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