You hear it on the news all the time. Someone is choking, dieing even. Someone performs the Heimlick and all is well. People drown all the time and bodies are washing up all the time. But would you suck face with a dead person? I don't think so! But what if it was a fish? You've heard the phrase, "kiss a fish". Well have you...TBOB?! CPR has alot to do with LUNGs too LOL. I'm sorry, I have cabin fever as I sold my ice fishing tackle last year. OK I'll get to the point. CPR will keep any fish alive even when it's been out of the water too long. It even works when the fish is dead and on it's way to the broiler! Quite simply, CPR means.......................CATCH, PHOTOGRAPH, RELEASE!. Oops, didn;t get released? not a problem. You still have bragging rights on a 3x5 glossy!
Posted Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:25 pm