Most outdoor sports people rate October as the best month of the year. Fishing, hunting and camping all come together. Trout, salmon, upland game hunting, deer hunting, wild turkey -- there is never enough time to enjoy them all with winter just around the corner.

This week's column touches on the beginning of fall salmon fishing in Connecticut waters as well as the rundown on upcoming and current hunting seasons.

Since Sept., 27, DEEP has released 700 salmon to start the 2012 fall broodstock Atlantic salmon stockings. Crystal Lake was stocked with 200 salmon. On Sept. 28, Mount Tom Pond was stocked with 100 salmon and the upper Naugatuck River was stocked with 200 salmon. On Oct. 1, the lower Naugatuck River was stocked with 200 salmon. DEEP also expects to stock the Shetucket River with 300 salmon on Oct. 9, following completion of certain repairs to the Scotland Dam by First Light Power Resources.

This first group of broodstock Atlantic salmon being released range in weight from 2 to 6 pounds each. Later in October, several hundred additional fish may also be available for stocking. These fish will range from 2 to 15 pounds each. Following spawning later this fall, DEEP expects an additional 800 to 1,000 salmon from the Kensington Hatchery will be available for stocking in November. These fish will range in weight from 4 to 15 pounds each.

Below is a summary of broodstock Atlantic salmon regulations and areas:

Posted Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:57 am

Did anyone catch the article in "The Fisherman" some time ago regarding the Connecticut River Atlantic salmon? The EPA has pulled the plug on the federal effort to restore Atlantic salmon to the Connecticut River. I can't help but wonder how much longer the DEEP will continue the effort; I'm happy to read that 2012 will have a season.

Although the feds have stopped the effort for the salmon, "The Fisherman" reported that the EPA putting that much more of an effort towards restoring the herring/shad and sturgeon fisheries of the Connecticut River.

Posted Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:57 pm

if your chasing them i would not mind some pointers as we seem to fish a lot of the same waters. I have yet to bag a salmon or a walleye.

Posted Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:03 pm

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