Tips pulled from Frank Sousa:

"BE A FISHING TWITCHING JERK: Bassmaster Classic champion Woo Daves of the Wrangler Rugged Wear Outdoor Advisory Team feels that the best fishing results are realized by giving your lures more action than the manufacturers can build in. He said twitch your rod tip, change speeds, and work the lure erratically.

Good friend, the late Joe Yerka, founder of Mooslook, also advised increasing the lure’s action. He had me take his lure and give it an additional bend in the middle to increase its action.

The bending in the middle seems to work wonders.

While dancing at my granddaughter Heather Corbitt and Greg Koester’s wedding earlier this month, I stepped up my action while dancing with our flotilla of granddaughters by bending over while shaking my booty.

HEY, HAVE: Why not relax and have a healthy, humorous, happy day.
Frank Sousa can be reached at; or P.O. Box 207, Granby, MA 01033; or fax (413) 467-2174 "

Good advice for honeymooners, too! Very Happy

Posted Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:16 pm

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