It is confusing how common names are thrown around and used. What is one fish in long island sound is something else across the globe. I believe most of the world calls this shark a Smooth dogfish. It is a houndshark, however, and is in a different category than dogfishes.
There is a true Dogfish in Long Island Sound, however, the Spiny dogfish. The two are easily distinguished from one another in two areas. Smooth dogfish do not have a single spine on either of there two dorsal fins and there is an anal fin present. Spiny dogfish do have dorsal spines, but there is no anal fin present.
I have heard both sharks referred to as "Sand sharks" from time to time. I'm not sure how that started except that at a young age and upon quick glance, they might be seen to be young Sandbar sharks. These sharks are also swimming in Long Island Sound, from time to time, but grow much larger- to 8'- and have very real teeth.
Posted Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:55 pm